Thursday, April 30, 2015

TONATIERRA: Global Indigenous Peoples Caucus Recommendations

Global Indigenous Peoples Caucus Recommendations

April 18-19, 2015 UN Church Center Building New York, NY
UN High Level Plenary Meeting [WCIP]  Outcome Document 

"We call for the restitution of the primary source materials and testimony that was lent to the United Nations system as fundamental to the evidence in document form of the systemic (system to system) nature of the legal relationships between the Nations of Indigenous Peoples and the member states of the UN system for the purpose of the Treaty Study conducted by Dr. Miguel Alfonso Martinez of Cuba.Such delivery, should be initial act of good faith in terms of the continuing process of systemic documentation among the Nations of Indigenous Peoples and the UN system prior to and as a necessary act of condition to allow for the full and effective participation of the Indigenous Peoples in the High Level Plenary Meeting on an equal basis and without systemic discrimination in the process of producing the Final Outcome Document of the High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 2014."

Statement from the floor at Global Preparatory Meeting in Alta Norway by Tupac Enrique Acosta, Yaotachcauh - Tlahtokan Nahuacalli 

Ayotzinapa and Future Work of the UNPFII 

We call for the denunciation and dismantling of the systemic IMPUNITY with which the Mexican government continues to shroud the forced disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero since September 26, 2014, and that this case be addressed immediately in highest priority by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Ms. Vicky Corpus Tapauli, and;

That the structural foundation of this SYSTEMIC IMPUNITY which has normalized the continuous colonization and genocide of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples not only in Mexico but across the breadth of the continent Abya Yala [the Americas] since 1492, namely the Doctrine of Discovery be the subject of a special theme of ongoing work for the UN Permanent Forum, and;

That in these processes there be recognition that the UNPFII operates under dual systems of mandate, that of the UN system of government state sovereignty established under the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, and that of the ancestral responsibilities of the Original Nations of Mother Earth as guardians of the Natural World, and;

That this issue of IMPUNITY for the continuing colonization and genocide of Indigenous Peoples which originates in the Doctrine of Discovery of 1492 which was then extended in 1823 by the US Government under the Monroe Doctrine be specifically addressed under the concept of "DECOLONIZATION and the Right of Self Determination of Indigenous Peoples" in future work and;

As this issue is already before the agenda of the UN Decolonization Committee under the Conflict over the Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands, that a Continental Commission of Clarification be convened in Philadelphia on September 26, 2015 to initiate the necessary collective corrective actions called for by the principles of UN GA 1514 "All peoples have the right of Self Determination" and the UNDRIP 2007: "Indigenous Peoples, Equal to all other peoples......."

Tupac Enrique Acosta, Yaotachcauh - Tlahtokan Nahuacalli